Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Pictures I promised sometime

I planned on leaving you with better pictures of my rainbowhead and adding some of camp but I left my camera cable at home so this is all you get for now. The hair pictures really only show how nuts it is not the actual colors...sorry.

The really cool bug.

The hands that killed Barney...or dyed my hair

A little more blue than it should be

A little too pink



Katie said...

what do you mean?

there is no such thing as "too much" or "more than it should be"
your hair looks freakin' awesome :-)

it's a well known rule that if you dye your hair crazy colors, that it's the brighter the better.


Unknown said...

What I meant was that the colors aren't quite accurate. Not that I have too much of these colors. The blue's all faded now by the way.

Dan said...

frishman are fun, nice hair?