So I got the web site for Arock's pictures finally. I would post the link but I havent gone through to see if they need to be censored yet. I will let you know. And I have been writing lately but the problem is it is usually when I am driving or in class in such a way that I cannot actually tie the words down on paper. So parts and chunks are always escaping capture and it isnt really working out for me. I will get something out to you soon though. Honest. For now (if it works) here is potentially my favorite shot from the trip. . .
If it doesnt work just click on it and hope for the best. -Jn
Sad- no picture. We gotta get you one of those little tape recorders like Dr. Roy uses so you can write while you drive.
so I couldnt get the pic to show itself and I right clicked on show image and there you were. Wicket as they say up north.
Here's what I get:
You are not authorized to view this page You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied. blah blah blah
There you aren't. So, not wicket, as they say up north.
mini-swords, other country, big boots, Tika's and Moonlights??? where be the torches and flame?
Ed- I did several things and the picture disapeared then it showed up again so I dont know. Click refresh when you get the link and try that. I dont know how to help you.
BB- There were candles and there was flame and there was much identifying bats by headlamp. I am also impressed by your proper headlamp ID.
Well, it still said HTTP 403: Forbidden
But it also appeared, as if by magic.
Highway bandits. You went to Peru to be a highway bandit?
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