Wednesday, March 29, 2006
45 days until...
Pass me by, I promise (RRC 03/29/06)
Not quite a stain
Not humanities gain
Just there to been seen if you want to
To be saw if the wanting stops
And if you never wished a want
Pass me by
Sidewalk corner serenade
A tear or two, a sob
From knowing the truth
But not paying no mind
From reading the bits in between the lines
And forgetting a forest of trees
I’m not on my knees
Just bent headed and tear streaked
Won’t let you see
Wrapped up in glitter light-dark
A lonely midnight rain
Shadows mixed with rivulets
Washing gutter pennies clean
Not quite a stain
Not humanities gain
Just there to been seen if you want to
To be saw if the wanting stops
And if you never wished a want
Pass me by
You stay with what you know
And I will go
There are no tears in these eyes
Soul forced lies
A collection of pieces
I promise, I promise, I promise
I’m fine
I know you love her
You only wanted me
Stepping in to silence
This is not a walk of shame
But I’ll be damned before you know
The way these dreams go
Watch me walk in this rain
Watch them wash away
I’m not quite a stain
Not humanities gain
Just there to been seen if you want to
To be saw if the wanting stops
And if you never wished a want
Pass me by
I promise…I don’t lie
The blood of W-PA
Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Friday, March 24, 2006
Dog Blog
Anyways, we have walked. Strider has posted (a lot) and so have I. Now I make a far to early dinner and chill and practice introspection until the recital...
Thursday, March 23, 2006
We live here
“it makes me sick to see that font size” - JJ
“yes, but I saved like half a tree” - Steph!
“it would be easier to save trees by killing beavers” - Jn
“that is so fundamentally wrong” - Tybo
“because you can’t get paper from beavers!” – JJ
Somehow on tuesday we all ended up in the penthouse 'working.' There was more than a little commotion and lots of idealistic road trip planning and rolling of prof eyes but some work did get done. Have I mentioned how happy these people make me? Tybo came over last night to entertain me and by entertain I mean we both sat in the same room doing homework and only speaking when we had a question or the dog did something strange. I don't know if it worked for him but it was pretty much exactly what I needed.
Shift is over...the day begins...
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
A box truck of chocolates
I have a feeling its one of those days...but the coffee man got a new box truck and I will walk the dog this afternoon (even if the homework doesn't get done).
Smile (3/22/06 RRC)
You smile like you mean it
But I’m not the only one who’s seen it
The same things turn up to down
Right to around to the other way
Something like left
If you get my drift
Hell maybe you get it
The world is copasetic
The aesthetics poetic
When you see me
The irony?
Money costs plastic
But hey love comes free
It’s not worth it to me
And I’m walking away still singing
“Baby why you always gotta bring my world down?”
Monday, March 20, 2006
Take Your Wambat to Work Day
Friday brought Sex chapel which was more than less enjoyable and food in crops-the-class-I-am-not-in but it also brought death in the form of a Physics test of Satan. Spent my St. Patty's day night in the back of a police cruiser...It was like COPS Gordon style. And no mom I don't need you to post bail. Didn't get much sleep and turned Saturday into a disaster. Seems I had these alcohol classes to go to in a place that didn't exist or something. Saturday was really just like a bad dream. Periods of nonrememberance that equate with those nondreaming sections of sleep. 'Woke up' at 630pm and started the day over with dinner and writing a draft of a play. Not THE play. Another play. But I think I am too selfish to be a playwright. You have to give your work up into the hands of others who turn it in to real life but it will never be the real life you see in your head. Its a nervous proposition. I am going to start turning it over to others to get opinions and see if I can take criticism. We will see.
Sunday was church, a bit of hunting and gathering, and trying to fix when there is no way to fix. I mean duct tape is pretty spectacular but eventually the patches come off and you have to patch it again or try another way. So we patch and hope it stays together for just a little while more.
And my weekend ended with 106 and a rousing discussion about how the earth is due for any number of cataclysmic events and some bits about vocabulary and the loss of pricision in speach. Tonight the Happy Hippies meet (plus one) for dinner and fellowship and to talk about our summer community (Oh look at me dropping bad christianeese cliches-man I'm good today) And Tuesday I pack myself into the Rectory for a week to watch the pooch. I don't think I will be writing much worth a post. So supplement with some pieces from the masses that are mmm mmm good. . .
Steph! posted stellar pictures of their her link.
5L is ranting about the talking box in some pretty well composed prose.
"A television in a refrigerator. Next we'll be building them into shower stalls. This way you never have to be separated from noise and moving colors."
You can read more by...clicking her link.
And R'ed is tossing out some good little bits of memory and poetry. I am especially liking Second 19 March, 2006 because it says something that I wanted to say once and never got the words around. Click the link...
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Drill bits and two pieces
No name yet (3/14/06 -Ipswich)
How many times will I look your way
And wonder why
How many times will you pass by
That make me want to say
I’m sorry for those time when
And those things I said
And those moments I could have
When I spoke instead
To Hear You Say (3/16/06 -DPS)
I am happy where I am
I’m not happy where I’m not
I suppose I could be more than happy
But happy’s all I got
I can look to tomorrow
And hope to hear you say…
But if I’m pining for tomorrow
Then I ain’t got today
Catch my eye and I’ll close them
Smile, I’ll look away
Otherwise I might need to want to hear you say…
But I’m happy where I am I think
And not happy where I’m not
I suppose I could be more than happy
But right now happy’s all I got
Propaganda (3/15/06- Penthouse)
Well if you no means yes
Then I guess we all agree
There is no problem
Never pain
No broken bones
Away away
I digress
Duress duress duress
But never distress
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Just like...
Don't worry this is not a post of badness. I will spoil the ending but things all turn around for good in the end.
Yesterday marks the 22nd birth of Steph! or something like that anyways. As this is a celebration there are exemptions from the Lent game. This means we went out to a happy little Irish Pub in our backyard. There was a contingent of 4 from the happy hippie house and Steph!'s apartment mates plus entourage (I think I counted 11 total). I would tell you all the pieces but that would sort of be pointless cause the pieces don't make the whole. Its the kind of goodness that you just let out a big sigh and smile and then sigh again and smile bigger. Good drinks and good people and goodness all around. And I keep thinking, yeah this is what our happy hippie house is all about- Goodness all around.
In other HHH news the 5th of the HHH is turning 21 in days and we are excited on her behalf. There is talk of moving our class forward again to the weeks it was originally scheduled for tambien because 5 of 6 have a place to stay off campus and well the 6th just might. Who knows but that would mean more weeks free in a chunk to work which is good for poor starving college students. And it gets me to thinking about the 6th. I don't know all too much about her but I feel like I should work on this. She is a freshman, orthodox (I think greek), Marine Bio, has a hippie sort of look to her, offered to play DD for our excursions over the summer (which was wicked sweet) and really thats about all I got. I don't even know enough about her to shorten her into a wee name for posting purposes. Basically this translates I think in to and attempt to get to know her better. There are 5 of us who know each other fairly well and better every day which could translate into exclusion and I don't want that at all. Something to work on anyways.
Yeah there are a myriad of other little good bits that make coming back from spring break a little less painful like a test getting moved and a class canceled or a night for driving or a long chat with a friend who is far away from home but like I said these are all just bits and they really don't make up the whole. I guess if you had to describe me right now it would be like content and hopeful both. I am good in the now and things will be better in the soon.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Something like this...
It's the perfect kind of day
To take it
Make it
Break it all down
For me
For you
I like the sound of us
Just because
The perfectest two
Beyond true
Because it never was
An unfortunate fact
What you used to lack
The 'know' of past tense
Is never 'know enough'
When matched with 'know now'
And somehow we missed it
Ways came and went
Time well spent
On nothing and all
It's the way the tide flows
Rolls in and out goes
Those ideas I never had
I should have had
Could have had
Would have if I had
It's just too bad
Chance out of luck
You're happily stuck
And I can't blame you
Any more than me
But I'm still free my friend
If you decide to roll the dice again
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Of mice and snowmen...

Mice? What about mice? -Jn
Saturday, March 04, 2006
This feels wrong...
Consider thoughts published...
We are the neo-yuppies, a population of the same. We are well dressed attractive and so civil it will make you sick, but we are not nice. We do not make eye contact and we do not ask questions. We like us and are very suspicious if you are not us. We will scrutinize your every action, expression and bit of apparel and look with disapproving question if it does not resemble us. We would never think of dressing in something other than designer, even to work out.
We are always put together even if we are traveling with two young children. Are children are being everyday groomed to be the future us. We dress them in matching
We find nothing wrong with walking around with an I-pod earbud in one ear and our hands free cell in the other telling to our business partner ‘I don’t think the new guy can cut it’ in the same breath as ‘that Starbucks is calling my name.’ If you asked us we would tell you that we agree with ideas like conservation of national parks, fair trade, helping those poor people in the third world, and recycling. If you looked at what we do you would realize that we have not thought these things through beyond the warm fuzzies we get when we drop a few coins in the Salvation Army well at Christmas.
I am not a Neo-yuppie. I am sitting here typing on my laptop with my cell phone close at hand yes, but I am sprawled out on the floor by the window. Every yuppie that passes by me looks twice and again to confirm that I am real, I am smiling at them, and I have a ring in my nose. (I like the double takes specific to the ring- these are new and met with more disgust than the normal looks.) If I was feeling slightly less introspective I would walk up to one or a few and comment on the fact that I don’t believe in the social constructs of deodorant, shampoo, or undergarments and that I buy organic. No one is shocked that I have become a happy hippie child. I am just trying to learn how to be my happy hippie self without hating the damn yuppies. I mean they are allowed to hate the damn dirty hippies, but hate and hippies do not go together. In my life I will suffer through a myriad of tropical diseases and maladies, but antimony drugs can help me and I don’t especially mind having my own personal ecosystem so long as it doesn’t kill me. These poor people suffer from affluenza; they grow nothing but interest and money cannot buy a cure. I should pity, not hate.
A final note- An add from the plane flight: "Without you we would just be a bunch of TV's flying around the country."No hay mas-Jn
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Peace, love and rock and roll - Jn